Being a Doer not a Listener
Becoming a Doer not a Listener James 1:19-25 “But prove yourselves doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” The greatest threat to our Christian faith is not ignorance but complacency. It is easy to know about the Bible; the challenge is to be transformed by the Bible so we are living in obedience, daily growing in our faith. However, this challenge is not new but has plagued all who have verbally consented to the Bible. In verses 12-18, James warns his readers of the danger of temptation. Our sinful nature is always present, ready to distort the message and character of God to manipulate God according to our wishes. When we sin, we seek to justify our actions. Instead of accepting responsibility, we blame others and God (vs 12-15). Instead of obeying God’s word, we justify our actions by rejecting His word as false and accusing God of being a liar. We fail to recognize or acknowledge that sin is a problem that dwells deep w