The Security of the World

The One Who Sustains the Universe

Colossians 1:13-20

“For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.  He is before all things; in Him, all things hold together.”

                  Futurist Bob Johansen describes today's world as  “volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.” After centuries of stability, we live in a world of rapid and unprecedented change. With the changes occurring in our society comes fear and uncertainty. Our world today is characterized by fear that it is on the precipice of destruction, whether it be the collapse of economic stability, the geo-political stability of nations, the climate, or our culture.  As a result, we are looking for answers.  We look to politicians to solve our economic and political threats.  We turn to scientists to provide answers to the threat of climate disasters. We point to our culture for answers to our moral uncertainty.  Instead of providing answers, these only add to our apprehension and insecurity.  Where do we find peace and security in a chaotic world?

                  This uncertainty is not only felt on a societal level; it is also experienced on a personal level.  Daily, we face threats to our emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.  We feel threatened when the uncertainty of Wall Street and our economy creates apprehension regarding our financial security in the future.  We feel anxiety and fear when the doctor informs us of a life-threatening illness.  We fear for our children's future when we see the moral collapse and confusion that permeates our culture. How do we find peace when our world is in turmoil?

                  In Colossians 1:15-20 Paul provides us the answer.  Our hope and security are not found in politicians, scientists, or even in the wisdom of people.  Our hope and security are found in the One who is the creator of all things.  In verse 16, we are reminded that the universe is not the product of blind chance or some impersonal evolutionary process. The existence of the universe finds its origin in the person of Christ.  Paul uses five statements to describe Christ’s relationship to the universe, our world, and our lives.  First, “by Him all things were created.”  In other words, he is the sphere in which all things exist. All things in the universe exist through the person of Christ.  

                  Second, he is how all things came into existence.  We were created through Him.  The universe did not come into existence through the impersonal movement of time and evolutionary chance; it came through the active work of Christ.  Third, because He is the creator, everything exists for Him.  In other words, all creation exists to glorify Christ. Christ stands at the ‘beginning’ of the universe as the one through whom we came into existence, and He stands at the end of creation as the goal of creation.  He is both the “how” and the “why” the universe exists. 

                  Fourth, He is “before” all things.  In other words, He existed before creation came into being.  He is not part of creation but independent both in time and being from creation.  He stands apart from creation.

                  “Last, ‘in Him, all things hold together.’ In this statement, we discover our security.  As the creator, as one who stands independent from creation, He is the one who sustains the universe.  The security and stability of our world are not based upon the frail inability of man; it is based upon the sovereign God who created all things.  This is true not only of the world but also of each person.  We do not need to fear the future or any threat to our future because the one who sustains our life and the existence of the whole universe is the infinite God. When life seems ‘volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous,’ we have security, for we have a God who is unchangeable in His person and plans, infinite in His wisdom, power, and authority, and loving and gracious in His every action.  As life becomes confusing and fear arises, we find comfort, clarity, and security in the one in control of all things, including the future of the world and our lives. 


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