Having Right Priorities in Life

Having Right Priorities in Life.

Revelation 22:10-21

“Behold, I am coming quick, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.”

                  The greatest mistake in life is when we get caught up living life for the temporal rather than the eternal, for the accomplishments of the temporal are fleeting. The book of Revelation's final words not only summarize John's whole message but also provide the final words that capture the whole of the Scripture.  The conclusion of the whole message of Scripture brings us to the one essential truth that the awareness of Christ’s return is to govern every action and thought.  

                  The final message that brings not only the book of Revelation to a close but brings closure to the whole revelation of God’s Word is a statement that seems at first confusing and paradoxical. The message concludes with the statement, “Let one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one is filthy, still, be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy” (vs. 11).  This is not a blanket approval of people’s actions and permission to continue to live as one desires. Instead, in the statement, God affirms that He will still allow life to continue in the present without His direct judgment.  His judgment will come only when He returns to establish His kingdom at the right moment and time. Furthermore, how we live in the present determines our eternal state and rewards.  If we continue to live in sin in the present, when Christ returns, it will still grip the person. If we surrender to God and live to reveal His righteousness, then we will enjoy for eternity sharing the righteousness of God.  The most terrifying judgment of God is the removal of His grace so that sin will eternally grip the soul.  Likewise, God's greatest blessing is that those who accept His salvation will eternally share in His righteousness.

                  In light of this, we are then given the announcement that provides us with perspective on how we live our lives and the priorities we are to pursue.  The return of Christ is certain. Therefore, the wise are those who live with their focus on eternity and bring eternal rewards rather than temporal gain that is meaningless in eternity.  Tragically, many people, even Christians, set their priorities on the present: their careers, financial portfolios, and the pleasures of today.  However, these are fleeting.  At the end of life, when we stand upon the threshold of eternity, we tragically discover that these are all temporal and have no eternal value.  Ultimately, it becomes a wasted life (see also 1 Cor. 3:12; Luke 12:16-24).  

                  Instead, we are to live life to pursue what has eternal value.  This life embraces God’s purpose for our life.  The Great Commission is not just a mandate for the church but for every single person.  The only achievement in life that lasts into eternity is our relationship with Christ and our involvement in making disciples of Christ.  A life worth living involves using our gifts, our abilities, our talents, our careers, and all our resources to advance Christ’s kingdom through our involvement in evangelism and participation in the church. A life of significance and well-lived is a life that focuses on what is eternal. This requires thoughtful evaluation of our lives and intentional actions.  Are you spending your time and energy today to contribute to God’s kingdom program or is it merely the pursuit of your personal desires and wishes?  What can you do today to point people to Christ?


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