The King of Self or the King of Kings

The King of Self and the King of Kings

Genesis 29-32

“Jacob said, “O God of my Father Abraham and God of my Father Isaac, O Lord, who said to me, ‘Return to your country and to your relatives, and I will prosper you, I am unworthy of all the lovingkindness and all the faithfulness which you have sown to Your servant…Deliver Me, I pray.” (32:9-11).           

                  It did not take long for the family blessed by God to descend into a family of dysfunction, hostility, and self-serving manipulators.  When Abraham was promised that his descendants would be the ones through whom God would bless the world, it appeared that His family was sanctioned by God.  However, within one generation, they become marked by inward fighting and hatred.  The rivalry between Jacob and Esau becomes a full-fledged war marked by hatred and a desire for revenge.  Because Jacob sold Esau’s birthright, Esau vowed reprisal.  As a result, Jacob was forced to flee to the land of his mother.  Even when God appeared to him in a dream, Jacob’s allegiance to God was conditional.  Instead of surrendering to God, he wanted to dictate the terms. He would follow God only if God took care of him and protected him (28:20-21).  When Jacob arrived in the land of his mother, he met his match in his uncle Laban.  They were two peas in a pod, each trying to manipulate and out-maneuver the other to gain an advantage. Laban tricked Jacob into forcing him to marry both his daughters.  Jacob got his revenge by using genetic breeding to steal Laban’s flocks of sheep and goats.  

                  Jacob’s faith was one-sided.  He would honor God only when God blessed him.  While giving lip service to God, he remained on the throne of his life.  Jacob is like many of us.  We want God’s blessing—but on our terms.  We want God to save us from our troubles, but we still want to be in control of our lives.  We want to dictate the terms.  We conform God to our desires so that God merely blesses us without making any demands upon our life.  We desire God’s blessing but not His rule.  Throughout Scripture, we find the contrast between the control of sin and the control of God.  To reject God and ignore His Word is to allow sin to gain mastery.  Instead of being governed by the desire for righteousness, we become gripped by the passions of our sin.  Such was Jacob.  He wanted God’s blessing but still wanted to dictate the conditions.

                  The more Jacob sought to manipulate others and even manipulate God, the more he found himself descending into the abyss of self-destruction.  Ultimately, he was between a rock and a hard place. When he fled from Laban with his family, Laban pursued him to enact revenge for Jacob’s treachery.  If not for the intervention of God, Laban would have attacked and destroyed Jacob.  However, even as he left Laban to flee back to his homeland, he received a report that Esau was coming with 400 hundred men.  They were not the welcoming committee to embrace Jacob.  They were coming with the intent of destroying Jacob and his household.  In chapter 32, Jacob had nowhere to go.  All his manipulation had brought him to a point of destruction.  Jacob was faced with the choice:  Either face the wrath of his brother or surrender control and allow God to govern his life.  In the end, Jacob surrendered to God. As a result, in His mercy and grace, God delivered Jacob and changed his heart (32:28).  

                  This is a story repeated throughout the Bible.  People are given the choice of surrendering to God and receiving His blessing or ignoring God and seeking to do as they please, which results in destruction.  It is the same choice we must make.  Who are we allowing to control our lives, actions, thoughts, motives, and values?  Are we only accepting the portions of the Bible that we like and affirm, or are we completely surrendering to His will and His Word?  Is God in control, or are we still striving to be in control?  Is self still on the throne of our lives, or is God? God is the King of Kings, and He does not accept any rivals, including the rival of our self. As you go through your day, pray that God will govern all aspects of your life.  Daily surrender to Him; when you do, you will discover the true joy of His blessing. Who is the king of your life: Self or the King of Kings?


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